

Helen Salisbury is a GP in Oxford. She has also worked extensively in medical education atundergradu…

Ever wondered what it’s like to ‘Winter in Antarctica’ or visit the Doomsday Glacier? Find out…

The Life and Death of Stars Stars can have exciting lives. They are born in large nurseries, from cl…

Dr Sheila Kanani MBE is a planetary physicist, science presenter, secondary school physics teacher a…

What’s the connection between astronomy and jazz? From William Herschel (discoverer of Uranus and…

Our Fragile Space: Protecting the Near-Space EnvironmentAn exhibition and science communication proj…

Over the past 5 years, producer & saxophonist Pete Cunningham’s Ishmael Ensemble has gone from bei…

Tor’s gift for making people move has taken her across the UK and abroad, where she holds residenc…

Sister Smalls loves a big journey through tunes. With the aim of uplifting the crowd, she also likes…

Post-Punk based in Leeds, UK. Treeboy & Arc was formed in Leeds in 2016. Early on, the band took son…

7ebra is the new project from 25-year-old twin sisters Inez and Ella from Malmö. Inez plays electri…

Clara FT has been a musician all her life. She began learning cello at the age of four, which progre…

What we do: November will mark six years of South London based DJs and label Deptford Northern Soul…

Spanning sunshine funk, Cyclone Tracey wig outs, chromakey sitar psychedelia, Casiotone anthems, hor…