

How much stuff do we need to live well? And is this level of resource use compatible with reducing e…

Anna Scaife (MPhys Bristol; PhD Cambridge) is Professor of Radio Astronomy at the University of Manc…

Tiny diamond crystals only a few atoms across are now thought to be the source of an enigmatic form&…

Julia Steinberger's research is at the puzzling, yet important, intersection of the immaterial (huma…

Paul Vanezis has been a producer/director in television for over twenty years, working on 'The Sky a…

Dr Jon Copley is the first UK bathynaut to dive more than 5 km deep in the ocean, and member of the&…

Space exploration has given us spin-offs from freeze-dried food to cordless vacuum cleaners, but wha…

National Oceanography Centre, the UK’s leading institute for oceanographic sciences will be ex…

Daniel M. Davis is Professor of Immunology at the University of Manchester. His research, using supe…

The body's ability to fight disease and heal itself is one of the great mysteries and marvels of nat…

Outliers are DJs Thea Hudson-Davies and Tony Morley from The Leaf Label, unearthing five decades of&…

Life at the extremes: What does life need to exist?  We all need to be able to make energy to g…

Tomorrow We Sail is a group of six musicians, based in Leeds, UK. Formed in 2009, they have spent th…

Dr Mark J I Paine is a scientist at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. He works on mosquitoe…

Half the world is affected by malaria. It is a nasty disease caused by a parasite that is transmitte…