Blue Planet II: Untold Stories from Magical Worlds
Series researcher Yolly Bosiger who worked on Blue Planet II for four and a half years, shares how the team chose new and ground-breaking stories from the oceans, capturing behaviour never seen before, even entire undiscovered worlds within our oceans. The series also revealed the deadly effects of human activity on extraordinary ocean creatures, including the global problem of plastic pollution. Bird ecologist Dr Lucy Quinn featured in the final episode of the series, showing the world how a charismatic seabird – the wandering albatross – eats plastic pollution in the sea. In this striking story – described by Sir David Attenborough as ‘tragic’ – from the sub-Antarctic island of Bird Island, South Georgia, we saw the deadly outcome of adult birds feeding plastic to their dependent chicks.
With British Antarctic Survey (BAS) bird ecologist Dr Lucy Quinn and BBC Natural History TV series researcher Yoland Bosiger.