Colliding Worlds with Arthur Miller
Acclaimed Arthur Miller talks about his brilliant book Colliding Worlds, which tells the story of artists, scientists and technologists working together to create a new art movement, a new avant-garde. It is a journey behind the scenes into a bold new world and features a close look at the artists themselves, their creativity and how they are inspired by science, technology, computers, and algorithms. A growing number of artists and musicians have gone even further, becoming artist/scientist/technologist rolled into one. In fact art, science and technology are fusing in the 21st century into what I call a Third Culture.
‘This is a book specially for people who go to Tate Modern and can’t get the hang of it.’ – The Spectator.
‘Colliding Worlds argues that artists and scientists have always had the same mission: to ‘fathom the reality beyond appearances, the world invisible to our eyes’ – New York Times.