Our Future Selves
Geoff Ryman’s work has won numerous awards including the John W. Campbell Memorial Award first place, the Arthur C. Clarke Award (twice for The Child Garden and for Air), the James W Tiptree Memorial Award (for Air), the Philip K. Dick Memorial Award (for 253), the BriOsh Science Fiction Association Award (three times, once for the series of interviews with African writers and the Canadian Sunburst Award (twice for Air a volume of short stories, Paradise Tales. In 2012 he won a Nebula Award for his Nigeria-set novelette ‘What We Found’. He is currently the administrator of the Nommo Awards for Speculative FicOon by Africans. His novel Him is scheduled for publication in 2023.

Temi Oh wrote her first novel, while studying for a BSci in Neuroscience. DO YOU DREAM OF TERRA-TWO? was published by Simon & Schuster in 2019 and won the American Library Association’s Alex Award. Her most recent short story was published in the Marvel’s Black Panther Anthology, TALES OF WAKANDA. She has been working as a screenwriter on shows for Netflix and the BFI. Her second novel, MORE PERFECT will be published in 2023.

Nikhil Singh is a South African artist, writer and musician. Former publications include the graphic novels: Salem Brownstone written by John Harris Dunning (longlisted for the Branford Boase Award, Walker Books 2009 and featured in Design Week UK. Debut novel Taty Went West was published by Kwani Trust (KE) in 2015, Jacaranda Books (UK) in 2017, and Rosarium (US) in 2018. The book was shortlisted for Best African Novel in the inaugural Nommo Awards. The novel Club Ded, published by Luna Press Publishing (UK) in June 2020 was shortlisted for Best Novel in the 2021 British Science Fiction Association Awards and the 2021 Nommo Awards.