Practical Action Tackles the Big Questions (Abbie Wells with Chris Henderson, Lucy Stevens, Sarah Begg, Paul Smith Lomas and Robert Magori)

Practical Action Tackles the Big Questions (Abbie Wells with Chris Henderson, Lucy Stevens, Sarah Begg, Paul Smith Lomas and Robert Magori)

Here at bluedot we like to think big -the multiverse, supermassive black holes. That kind of thing. But we also know the power of small is important too – after all, without Captain Titchy, the Higgs Boson and his mates, the world would be very different.

Come and find out how ingenious solutions can solve some of the world’s biggest problems. Ever wondered how we’ll be growing food in the future? How we can tackle climate change and make people more resilient to its effects? How we can help remote communities access clean and sustainable energy? How we can get clean water to those who need it most?

Hosted by Abbie Wells from the Gadget Show, experts from international development group Practical Action will explain how we can transform lives whilst protecting our pale blue dot.

Notes Sunday 2019

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