Safe and Sound: How loud is too loud?
What is the best thing about the Bluedot Festival? The music? The Dot talks? The science demos? Whatever it is, you need your hearing to get the most from it. But how are we able to hear and enjoy the sound that is produced by our favourite performers? At the “Safe and Sound” stand run by the Manchester Centre for Audiology and Deafness (ManCAD), you will be able to explore the science of sound and hearing, examine the sound levels around the festival site, and discover how our ears make it possible for us to hear and understand the world around us. But, we live in a noisy world and too much noise can damage our hearing so we also have activities to help you understand how loud is “too loud” and how you can look after your delicate ears. After all, hearing is the best of the five senses (or so we at ManCAD think!).