

Monica Grady is Professor of Planetary and Space Sciences at the Open University, where she studies&…

Forty years ago, the two Voyager spacecraft were launched on their mission to fly past Jupiter and S…

Forty years ago the two Voyager spacecraft were launched on a scientific mission to explore the oute…

We live on a blue planet, and yet most of us rarely touch that blue. The oceans are remote, inaccess…

“Its no coincidence that the name of this band means ‘have faith’”With two l…

Animal Noise are an engaging three-headed musical beast who dish out cleverly constructed experiment…

Andrew will discuss the latest work in the Breakthrough Listen Initiative, the most powerful, compre…

Dr. Andrew Siemion is an astrophysicist at the University of California (UC), Berkeley and serves as…

At the Wellcome Centre for Mitochondrial Research at Newcastle University we aim to transform the li…

Come and make things happen in Minecraft on the Raspberry Pi. You can make planets and rockets using…

Play The Reactor Game – A race against the clock to refuel our homemade nuclear reactor, witho…

The Square Kilometre Array (SKA) project is an international effort to build the world’s large…

Guerilla Archaeology encourages you to ‘down and dirty’ with the past – come on ov…

Over the last 4 billion years, the Earth’s climate has been constantly changing, from the warm…

What does life need to exist? We all need to be able to make energy to grow and reproduce. Humans ma…