

Aravind Vijayaraghavan studies the thinnest material ever made: graphene. He is a Lecturer in Nanoma…

Matthew Cobb studies the sense of smell in maggots, as part of his job as Professor of Zoology at th…

Professor Danielle George is Vice Dean for Teaching and Learning in the Faculty of Science and Engin…

David Kirby trained in Molecular Evolutionary Genetics (University of Maryland, USA), but he left be…

ARTHUR I. MILLER is fascinated by the nature of creative thinking in art and science. He has publish…

Andrew Weatherall has always been good for a quote. From the deep, dark days of early acid house to&…

Enigmatic Mancunian psychedelic pop group Whyte Horses take a short-distance magical mystery tour in…

For over 60 years the giant Lovell Telescope at Jodrell Bank has been a familiar feature of the Ches…

Warpaint announced their third studio album ‘Heads Up’ released via Rough Trade Records&…

The time is coming soon when robots and computers will be doing most of the work. What will 90% of u…

You awake to find yourself in a Dark Room. You, the audience must choose an option - will you A) Fin…

In 2006 Doctor Who obsessive Toby Hadoke’s ‘Moths Ate My Doctor Who Scarf’ was a c…

Brian Muir is a British sculptor, who most famously designed and created Darth Vader's helmet and ar…

David Prowse played the menacing villain Darth Vader in the 1977 film Star Wars. The success of the&…

For bluedot 2017, the iconic structure of the Lovell Telescope becomes a unique and unparalleled can…